Negative Customer Experience Leads to ‘Terrible, Terrible Things’
I really get ticked when I hear business owners tell me about their competition holding them back. When you become a business owner, there’s so much plain garbage blocking your way sometimes you can’t tell the truth from plain old BS. But this article gets down to the deep and dirty truth about new customers secrets which every business owner must get for any reasonable chance to sell more of your product or services.
Secret #1: What Problem Are You Solving for Your Customer?
If you want to be a business owner, then hear this: why do your customers want what you’re selling? You have to figure that out first!
The most important thing business owners need to understand with this secret is that if you do this, you will be able to relate to the customers’ needs better.
You need to understand that this secret is key because if you can’t catch the customers attention, they’ll tune you out. You have to hook them up front and you do that by tuning in to their needs.
So now you should answer the question “What problem do I solve?”.
Secret #2: How Do You Solve the Problem For Your Customer?
Listen closely on this secret: you only discuss your product or service in terms of how it solves the problem for the customer.
What’s important about this secret is that you must prove to the customer that you can solve their problem.
This will help you because your competitors are all talking about themselves or the features of their products, which goes right over people’s heads. You stand out because you’re talking about their problems (which is all they care about anyway).
At this point you should definitely look at your advertising, emails, and website. Do you talk about YOU or do you talk about THEM (the customer)? If you’re not talking about them, their problems, and how you solve them, change that fast.
Secret #3: How Can They Get Your Solution?
Business owners can unlock big doors with this simple key secret. Here it is: you need explain what they get and how they get it (the offer).
The most important thing to get with this is this is your opportunity to make a sale.
Everyone needs to understand this spells the difference between success and failure because if you don’t do this part correctly, your customers won’t see your message and perhaps they’ll buy from someone else!
In case you’re wondering, the next step here is you should create a compelling message for them to buy NOW if you want to make sales. Whether it’s a coupon, a bonus or a time limited offer, give them a reason to buy now.
This represents just a summary of the secrets business owners need when it comes to new customers. With the consequences of ignoring this advice ranging from weeks of wasted effort to throwing tons of money out the window, take the time to educate yourself on the proper methods to sell more of your product or services.